JMSE Travel Award 2019 is open for application now!
Please find additional details and apply here:
Paper selection
The selection is a two-stage process:
Abstract: First, a short abstract with maximum of 2 pages in the standard PDF format (2018 abstract template), must be submitted by the author through the Online Submission Portal. A selection Committee will examine all the abstracts submitted during this first period (see dates) to ensure their suitability with respect to the AWTEC criteria. Papers falling outside the scope of AWTEC (as defined by thematic topics), papers consisting of commercial advertisement without any scientific or technical added value, or without novelty (except review papers), will be rejected. Authors will be informed on the decision before 26 February 2018.
Paper: Authors of accepted abstracts will then submit their full paper through the web portal before the deadline. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field and have been nominated by the AWTEC Technical Committee. During the review period, authors may be asked by the reviewer to amend, correct or revise their paper. The final selection will then be made by the 2nd of July, 2018 following which authors will be informed of their presentation type (see below).
Paper submission
If your abstract has been accepted for AWTEC 2018 then you must submit a full paper by the 1st June 2018 (12pm).
You do this by logging in through the Author Log In link on the AWTEC 2018 website.
Paper format
Full papers should be maximum ten pages long and must conform to the AWTEC 2018 paper template (2018 full paper template). abstract and full paper must be submitted exclusively as .pdf files. (size < 4Mb).
Due to the limited number of slots for oral presentation during the Conference, some papers may have to be presented as a poster in order to balance the sessions volume, depending on the final number of papers per track or per session. (Poster template) Nevertheless, all the accepted papers will be published in full in the archived proceedings of the 4th AWTEC, regardless of their presentation type.
Author attendance
AWTEC presenter policy: papers accepted for oral or poster presentation will be included in the published Proceedings under the condition that at least one author attend the conference to present it.
Copyright transfer
All the accepted and presented papers will be included in the Proceedings of the AWTEC with ISBN number. For this purpose, it is requested that authors/copyright owners assign copyright to AWTEC by signing the copyright transfer form attached to each paper.
Official language: English
All communication, presentations, papers and posters will be in English. No translation will be provided by AWTEC organizers.